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In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, in an effort to keep our guests and employees safe, we thought we’d try to be transparent about the additional measures we are putting in place in our attempts to #flattenthecurve.

Control of tap room capacity

While our hours of operations will remain the same, our normal tap room capacity will be reduced to 50%. Our hosts will keep an active count of number of employees and guests at all times. When the capacity of the tap room is reached, a sign will be placed at the exterior of our building to notify guests to not enter the building until guests leave. If needed, hosts will assist with letting guests know they can enter the building.

Inrcreased sanitization of tap room

While we have always worked very hard to keep our tap room clean and sanitized, we will be increasing our measures at this time.

  • Staff will wash hands approximately every hour for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap.

  • All tables will no longer be preset with silverware, salt and pepper shakers, or any other items. When a server greets a guest, they will bring the proper amount of silverware, along with menus.

  • Silverware will be presented with single use paper napkins as opposed to cloth napkins.

  • Food menus will be sanitized between each use. Beer menus will go to single use paper and disposed of after each use.

  • Coasters will be discarded, to be replaced with single use beverage napkins.

  • Both tables and seats will be sanitized after each use.

  • All sauces (vinegar, hot sauce, ketchup, mustard, etc.) will be poured into single use ramekin containers.

  • Salt and pepper will be presented to guests upon request only. Salt and pepper shakers are sanitized by wiping down between each guest use.

  • Straws will be presented to guests upon request only. Straws will be wrapped.

  • Bussers will be required to wear black gloves when bussing tables, due to interaction of multiple used silverware, glassware and plateware items. All other FOH staff members may wear black gloves during their shift at their request. Gloves must be changed when ripped or soiled.

  • Hosts will sanitize exterior and interior door handles, railings, and push plates every hour.

We will keep abreast of the news and local ordinances, and adjust our plans as necessary. We apologize for the inconvenience, and like all of us, we hope to return to normal operation as soon as possible.
